Spoofing Protection

Keep your brand safe from impersonation to protect your clients and supply chain

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Brand spoofing is a common tactic used by cyber criminals to gain personal or financial information. This is done by using someone else’s identity e.g., a supplier or a customer, to lure you into revealing information or transferring funds under false pretences. There is often a social engineering aspect of spoofing attacks, as hackers gain information by gaining people’s trust.

The most common types of spoofing are email spoofing and website spoofing. Email spoofing is when an attacker sends an email that appears to come from a legitimate source, when in reality it is a fraudulent email used to gain company  information or funds. This is the most common form of spoofing, with almost 25% of emails from brands coming from a malicious source.

Website spoofing entails the creation of lookalike domains and websites to those of a known brand. Malicious actors use these fake sites to access customers’ login information, financial details, or sensitive data. With either method the domain will look legitimate but may contain an extra letter, a number instead of a letter or a character from another alphabet.

What does spoofing protection do?

Spoofing protection ensures your brand is protected via a secure domain. This is achieved by maintaining the security of your website certificates and ensuring that you have an email authentication system in place through solutions such as DMARC. This generates an automatic response to suspected fraudulent domains and quick remediation.

A spoofing protection service will also scan the internet continually so that any new lookalike domains are flagged right away. When you first take out a spoofing protection service, you’ll likely find a whole raft of lookalike domains that need investigating to determine if they are legitimate and used within your organisation or set up to spoof your organisation. Once these domains are addressed, a continual scan will allow you to respond to lookalike domains as they are created so that you can get them taken down before any harm is done to your customers, supply chain and, of course, your brand.

Why you need spoofing protection?

An unprotected domain increases the opportunity for your brand to be spoofed and fraudulent lookalike domains to be created. It’s important to constantly scan the web for any lookalike domains so that they can be taken down before any harm is done.

A spoofing attack can be harmful to your company, but also your whole supply chain. The repercussions of a spoofing attack include a damaged brand reputation, financial losses, decreased efficiency, and more company downtime. By making it harder for cyber criminals to infiltrate your emails and website, you can keep your organisation running smoothly.

Contact us to review your current protection

A spoofing attack using your email domain reflects poorly on you. Don't be an easy target.

Let us prevent criminals using your domain in phishing campaigns, detect lookalike domains as soon as they are set up and search for uses of your brand online.

With cyber criminals becoming more and more sophisticated in how they impersonate domains, it can be hard to tell when it is you and when it is someone masquerading as you. Your business has worked too hard to build a strong brand to let it be tarnished by cyber crime. And don’t forget, every company’s email domain status is publicly available – making it easy for criminals to quickly identify how easy it will be to impersonate your company and staff.

Man and woman sitting at a desk

Let us secure your domain to protect your brand

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is a policy and reporting protocol that marks the first step in securing your domain against abuse. It prevents cyber criminals from impersonating you in phishing attacks by allowing email recipients to check the authenticity of incoming emails. The service will help you to

  • Enhance your email security, helping to prevent attacks which can lead to data breaches, finance losses and reputational damage.
  • Protect your brand reputation by ensuring only authorised senders can use your domain, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
  • Improve your visibility and control by providing you with reports and insights of email delivery and authentication.

The next step is to introduce BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) which is a standard that displays your organisation’s trademarked logo beside every email. As it is achieved through a combination of a fully configured DMARC record and a digital certificate (a VMC), it ensures a stronger email security for your organisation. It also increases email open rates and consumer trust.

You also need to monitor and secure your domain names against DNS attacks. We will monitor your DNS records for unauthorised changes and detect lookalike domains. This helps to protect your customers and supply chain from those wanting to impersonate you as well as ensuring the integrity of your domains.

Finally, our automated security scanning and assessment tools will help you to evaluate your web infrastructure, SSL/TLS configurations, email security, DNS and more. With all of this in place, cyber criminals will see there’s no point trying to impersonate you.

Get in touch

Contact us for a no obligation review of your current brand protection

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Your company’s email configuration & authentication status is publicly available

Domain Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), Sender Policy Framework (SPF), and Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) are tools that companies use to configure and authenticate emails.

And as your company’s domain status can be easily found, criminals can quickly see if they can send fraudulent emails that appear to the recipient to be from your organisation.

We are offering free Digital Exposure and Risk Reviews, which are our high-level assessments of your publicly available digital assets, highlighting gaps in your security that are visible to all. Don’t let yourself be an easy target.

Don’t let yourself be an easy target, get in touch today.

No two companies are the same, so we created two main service categories that are tailorable to suit your needs:

This service is ideal for organisations that want to manage their own Spoofing Protection, but with the confidence that they have a team of experts available to help with setup and ongoing support. Working with you and depending on the options you choose; we will:

  • Help to setup and configure your spoofing service, including:
  • DNS records.
  • Scans and assessments.
  • Provide ongoing support.

Everything you get with Supported as a Managed Service, plus:

  • Continual monitoring to ensure the ongoing health of the service.
  • Weekly in-depth reviews of reports and insights to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Management of policies to ensure the service is tailored to you.
  • Incident response tailored to your organisation.

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