Network equipment manufacturers
Accelerating new product releases through test and automation
The only way to know that your products will work in the real-world is to extensively test them. But this is a resource and time intensive process. Stringent quality assurance tests also put added pressure on NEMs when it comes to ensuring the success of a latest release.
Battle-test your network and security devices
We can help ensure your content-aware devices perform as required with solutions that generate high volumes of application-layer traffic with blended stateless and stateful security attacks, and by replicating the latest known hacking and denial of service attempts.
In addition to this, we can emulate the conditions of packet-based networks under many conditions, speeds and with traffic-affecting impairments, to make sure network elements behave as expected.

Our solutions
Our test and impairment solutions and services let you:
- Verify that your network security tools can detect and mitigate known malware and attacks
- Simulate millions of end-users to find the tipping points of network and security devices
- Run thorough tests on single devices as well as a fully staged network and security infrastructure
Exposing your Ethernet products to real-world scenarios is the only way to verify that they conform to their required specifications.
Our test tools let you generate ethernet traffic for functional testing, conformance testing, and traffic loading to ensure that performance specs for jitter, throughput and latency are met.
We can also ensure the performance of network elements by emulating the conditions of packet-based networks under many conditions and speeds, and with traffic-affecting impairments like bandwidth throttle.
Network and security products are becoming more complex, as are their testing requirements; resulting in more of the product development cycle being spent on QA and regression testing.
Automating the test lab can shorten the QA test cycle, reduce the lab’s CAPEX and OPEX requirements, and increase test coverage and product quality.
We bring game-changing efficiencies to regression labs through the one-time physical connection of test equipment and devices under test, and the automation of test scheduling, execution, and results formatting.
To ensure NEMs can accelerate time to market, we also offer enhanced test and measurement solutions:
- Network testing
- Security testing
- Test automation
- Lab as a service